Need a fast, affordable and reliable sourcing service? We make sourcing easier for you. Click to talk an Expert...
Pre-Design Product Sourcing
  • BerryDirect will help you identify reputable manufacturers who not only align with your vision but also provide the most affordable solutions for your sourcing needs.
  • We help you with sourcing of specific segment/products or we can provide an end-to-end outsourcing if you are planning to completely outsource the procurement process.
Local and Global Sourcing
Local and
Global Sourcing
  • BerryDirect currently sources thousands of products both domestically and internationally. Our honed and efficient day-to-day operation ensures our clients receive top-tier customer service and support around the clock.
Sampling and Production Mgt.
Sampling and
Production Mgt.
  • Our team is constantly carrying out quality control checks with suppliers to ensure product standards are held to the highest possible standards. Regular inspection reports ensure that both buyers and suppliers are happy, in sync, and working with the best products available.
  • Packaging and labeling inspections occur during and after production for an additional level of quality control.
Procurement Management
  • BerryDirect negotiates pricing and all procurement terms between matching suppliers. We check that your purchase order is following production protocols and that the entire process is being closely monitored.
Logistics Services
  • BerryDirect is committed to shipping your goods promptly and within budget. Whether by sea, land, or sky, we will choose the best available solution based on your specified time frame and price range. We’ll also handle all required documentation, including logistics tracking, testing, certificate of conformance, and inspection reports for swift clearance through customs.

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